About the Trust


The John Lobb Memorial Trust was founded in 1981.The objects as stated in the constitution are

“to assist young people who have been educated wholly or partly in Jersey and have attained the age of fourteen years and show promise in some form of music generally and intend to further their musical education to a standard that will enable them to pursue a career in music."

Applications are considered carefully by the Trustees at their quarterly meetings.

The Trustees base their decisions primarily on need and must therefore be aware of all sources of funding available for each applicant, including from parents, other members of the family, other charities and elsewhere. Section Two of the application form must therefore be completed and submitted in this connection in advance. All information regarding enquiries and applications is maintained in the strictest confidence.

Over 217 young musicians have been helped by the Trust.

The help given has been financial support to cover all or part of the expenses involved in one or more of the following:

Vocal or instrumental lessons                

Consultation lessons

Purchase of an instrument                      

Renovation of an instrument     

Loan of an instrument                                 

Course Fees for music institutions

Work shops and summer schools    

Preparation of recordings

Purchase of books or equipment

Circumstances in which the Trustees have been unable to help include the age of the applicant, limited funds and lack of commitment to a career in music

A Donation to the John Lobb Memorial Trust was received from the Estate of the late Mrs Gillian Marquer and the Trustees acknowledge her wish that it be used for singers aged 7 -17 years by keeping her bequest as a separate fund, free of  some of the constraints of the Constitution. Applicants unable to be helped by the John Lobb Memorial Trust because they have not yet reached the age of 14 or do not intend a career  in music, and who are singers, may be eligible for help from the Gillian Marquer Fund. A slightly modified application form will be issued to these applicants

The Trustees may require a Police Check certificate from teachers visited by minors.

The Trustees recommend that young students are escorted by an adult when traveling to the U.K

Application forms are completed and submitted by parents or guardians, supported by letters and reports from at least two teachers. The letters and additional information can be sent separately.

The Trust welcomes donations to assist it in meeting its objects as noted above.  Further information is available to explain how best this can be achieved both for the donor and the Trust.

Application forms and further information are available from:

Miss R Lobb   Hugginshaye  10a Bel Royal Gardens St Lawrence Jersey JE3 1JU   

email  johnlobbtrust@gmail.com     telephone 01534 721802