

The Trust has from time to time received donations from the public which have been very much appreciated, commencing from when the Trust was formed in 1981 until the present day.  Some donors are making regular payments by way of standing orders with their banks.  Others have made single donations.  We are grateful for all donations, irrespective of the size, as your gift will enable us to continue to assist the youth of Jersey in developing their musical gifts and careers.

If you are a Jersey taxpayer, and make a donation of £50 or more, then the Trust is able to claim an additional 25% of your donation back as a tax rebate from the Government of Jersey.  If this is the case then we would be very grateful if you could download and complete the tax rebate form attached below and send it through to the Treasurer at the address noted on this page.  Alternatively, if you wish to be sent a hard copy of the form please email us.

You may wish to donate under the government’s deed of covenant scheme for charities.  Information on this scheme can be found on the link below or contact the Treasurer for further information:

Deed of covenant scheme for charities (

The Trust has also received the proceeds from Concerts and other public or private performances or events which have been donated by those involved. Some of these have been arranged by musicians who have been helped by the Trust by way of appreciation.

The Treasurer can provide any assistance that may be needed via email but for convenience we can advise that the Trust’s bank account details are:

  • Bank Sort Code: 60 12 03

  • Bank Account Number: 06395015

  • Reference: The name of the donor

If you could email the Treasurer, Ms. Emma Brennan when making a donation via, or using the Trust email address then this would be appreciated.

If you wish to pay by cheque, or you are submitting your tax rebate form then please use the address below:

Honorary Treasurer

John Lobb Memorial Trust

1 Ravenscrag

La Rue de Haut

St Lawrence
